LAKE WORTH, Florida—The Lake Worth Herald Building, located at 130 S. H Street in
downtown Lake Worth, has sold. The property was marketed, and the sale was managed, by
Carmel Commercial Real Estate & Management of Delray Beach, Florida.
“The recent zoning change, which reclassified the property as Artisinal Industrial allowed us to
re-brand the property which attracted all types of crafts’ people and industries to downtown Lake
Worth,” said Carmel Commercial Real Estate’s Christina Morrison. “With this new emphasis on
The Arts, Lake Worth is now more attractive than ever to all types of new, creative businesses
and many more are planning to move here.”
Over the next few months, the property will be transformed into Lake Worth’s first micro-
brewery by Mathews Brewing Company. Beer lovers can expect the brewing to start later this
year. The property will be used to brew and distribute the beer, and there will be a tasting room
The Lake Worth Herald newspaper had been written, printed and distributed from the property
since 1969. The Herald’s offices have been relocated to 1313 Central Terrace in Lake Worth.
“It’s the end of an era,” said Publisher Mark Easton.
Source: Carmel Management Feed